

This collection of videos focuses on the complexity of the hip joint, which is an extremely important weight-bearing joint. Learn how to strengthen hip musculature and improve overall hip mechanics with sound cueing and modifications. Video topics include free weight training, elastic resistance, barre, Yoga, Pilates, Therapeutic exercises, and various Fusion formats

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  • Video 409 | Thigh Band Glutes & Outer Hips (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This workout includes a standing warm-up with squat and hip flexor work followed by floorwork designed to strengthen the hips while activating the surrounding muscles of the trunk and spine. Working with the thigh band, experience a variety of forces to train the gluteus maximus, minimus, and me...

  • Video 408 | Post-Op Hip Recovery III (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This workout is progression from Video #406 "Post Op Hip Recovery II" for those at three months to a year post-op. Remember that regaining your range of motion and strength after total hip replacement or hip surgery is critical to regaining your ability to do the things that are important to you...

  • Video 406 | Post-Op Hip Recovery II (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This workout is a Part II from Video #404 Post Op Hip Recovery for those at 9-12 weeks post-op. Remember that regaining your range of motion and strength after total hip replacement or hip surgery is critical to regaining your ability to do the things that are important to you. Exercising has mu...

  • Video 404 | Post-Op Hip Recovery (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Regaining your range of motion and strength after total hip replacement or hip surgery is critical to regaining your ability to do the things that are important to you. Exercising has multiple benefits including: reducing stiffness, maintaining flexibility, improving muscle strength, and preventi...

  • Video 384 | Gentle Hip and Back Yoga (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This gentle Yoga routine will lower your stress, activate underperforming muscles, and help rejuvenate your body. You will need a chair for the entire practice. This routine is a slower-paced Yoga practice for all fitness levels, since the chair makes it easier to transition from one move to th...

  • Video 383 | Glutes Express (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This Express workout packs in 15 minutes of the best gluteal exercises using dumbbells for resistance. Many exercises that are thought to target this area, but it takes strategic set up and focus to make bring the glutes to center stage.

    Start on the floor and progress to several standing exe...

  • Live Event with Lauren Eirk | Lower Body and Foot Intrinsics

    The feet deal with ground forces pushing up into them and the bodyweight pushing down onto them. In this therapeutic routine, experience standing and seated exercises for the lower leg and foot. A thigh band will be used to add resistance in hip and foot exercises. Be prepared to explore your ...

  • Live Event with Lauren Eirk | SI Stability

    Sacroiliac pain is very common and complex to treat. The key is to keep surrounding muscles around the pelvis, hips and core strong and regularly practice various joint angles in order to maintain range of motion. This routine is designed to strengthen the SI Joint and lumbar spine. The mini ba...

  • Video 361 | Yoga Hips Express (15 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This Yoga practice targets the hips with several Yoga asanas that require various hip joint positions. Beginning with a short warm-up, enjoy classic lower body poses done in a flowing format using the friction from the Yoga mat, bodyweight, and Yoga blocks as resistance. This Express practice i...

  • Video 359 | Isometric Hip Internal Rotation Boost (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight routine will help you strengthen muscles that cross the hip to perform internal rotation, such as the iliopsoas group, rectus femoris, and adductors to name a few. These are also muscles that commonly flex the hip and help with lower back pain...

  • Live Event with Lauren Eirk | Yoga for Tight Hips

    The hip is a weight-bearing, complex joint that moves in a variety of motions that takes on a lot of stress throughout the day. Prolonged sitting and repetitive activities can cause hips to lose strength and range of motion.

    In this class, I take you through various yoga asanas that target the...

  • Video 353 | Isometric Hip & Core Boost Lateral Flexion (15 Min) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute isometric routine will help you strengthen core muscles and help give you improved spinal stability in sidelying bodyweight exercises for the hip and spinal joints. In the spine, this is lateral flexion. In the hips, this is abduction. No equipment nee...

  • Video 343 | Day Two Glute Challenge with Lauren Eirk (30 Minutes)

    This resistance training workout is designed to help you understand how to better contract the gluteal region. Using the forces of gravity plus an elastic thigh band, experience a variety of resistance challenges to stimulate more of the overall glute region. Glutes are not active in standing a...

  • Video 342 | Day One Glute Challenge with Lauren Eirk (30 Minutes)

    To combat sedentary lifestyles and repetitive activities, this bodyweight workout is designed to help you uncover muscle weakness and limitation in the gluteal region. Experience bodyweight isometrics to jumpstart weak muscles and learn how to move through your available joint range to strengthe...

  • Live Event with Lauren Eirk | Yogalates for Hip Health

    Bone health is paramount and the hip is the center of gravity. This large ball and socket joint is designed to be extremely stable and is surrounded by large, powerful muscles that help you stand, sit, walk, and jump. Keeping the hip joint strong is paramount so that we can protect our spine, k...

  • Video 336 | Isometric Lower Body Pronation Boost (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Isometrics can be used to activate weak muscles, reduce inflammation, and quickly improve range of motion. In this video, jump start muscles in the lower leg, knee, and hip that are designed to pronate, or give into gravity and improve overall gait. Experience exercises that cross the front of ...

  • Live Event with Lauren Eirk | Killer Hips, Glutes, and Thighs

    This bodyweight workout is part of our "Deep Dive" into the lower body week as we target muscles that attach to the hip and pelvis. We will perform standing exercises using a support for balance as well as floor exercises that are sure to activate, tone, and tighten the hips, glutes, and thighs....

  • Video 296 | Isometric Hip Boost (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you to flex your hip by strengthening muscles that cross the front of the hip joint. Weakness in this area of the body can cause tightness in the hamstrings and discomfort in the lower back.

    You will need a sponge ball for ...

  • Video 297 | Isometric Hip Boost II (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you to internally and externally rotate your hip using a thigh band and sponge ball as resistance to create the isometric exercises. Weakness in these areas can cause tightness in trunk and spine, making it more difficult to r...

  • Video 298 | Isometric Hip Boost III (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you to extend your hip using the resistance coming from your own bodyweight to create the isometric exercises. Weakness in these areas can cause tightness in the trunk and spine, making it more difficult to sit up straight, sq...

  • Video 300 | Isometric Hip Boost IV (15 Minute Routine) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help you to strengthen inner and outer hip muscles using the resistance coming from friction, a sponge ball, and a thigh band to create the isometric exercises. Weakness in these areas can cause tightness in the trunk and spine, ma...

  • Video 299 | C.P.I. Hip Therapy (22 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    If you suffer from Chronic Pain and Inflammation in the Hips, this short chair fitness video can be a way to start you on your journey of healing. This short, gentle routine begins with a breath-work meditation to lower emotional stress and anxiety associated with chronic pain. Learn several ef...

  • Video 289 | Stronger Hips and Thighs (45 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk

    This workout begins with a standing warm up for the lower body, then moves to some great inner / outer hip exercises using the thigh band. Then we move into some compound leg exercises with variations on the squat, lunge, hip and forward bends using dumbbells and a thigh band to strengthen the h...

  • Video 285 | Quads and Core (30 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk

    We commonly refer to "abs" when we think of core training, but many muscles in the front of the body can flex the spine. In this routine, strengthen the quadriceps, which affect both the hip and spine, and the abdominals.

    Starting on the floor, enjoy some great trunk and spine exercises to ton...