Elbow and Hand

Elbow and Hand

This collection of videos focuses on the health of elbow, hand, and finger joints as well as therapeutic, prescriptive exercises. Strengthening this area is crucial, as the upper extremities put us into direct contact with our environment. Ailments such as tennis elbow. golfer's elbow, carpal tunnel, arthritis, and trigger finger can be rehabilitated and prevented with pro-active strengthening. This video series is a must for any fitness program, especially if you play sports, regularly engage in repetitive hand movements, and use your hands for your livelihood

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Elbow and Hand
  • Video 555 | FIS Golfer's Elbow (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This routine offers a holistic full-body approach to the treatment and prevention of medial epicondylitis / golfer's elbow from repetitive wrist and arm motions using a theraband and dumbbells.

    The cause of golfer's elbow stems from repeating incorrect movements of the arm and the force of hitt...

  • Video 551 | FIS Tennis Elbow (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This routine offers a holistic full-body approach to the treatment and prevention of lateral epicondylitis / tennis elbow from repetitive wrist and arm motions using a theraband and dumbbells.

    The cause of tennis elbow stems from repeating incorrect movements of the arm and the force of hitting...

  • Video 476 | Back, Biceps, and Abs (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This strength training workout consists of "pulling" motions with 10 minutes of back and 10 minutes of biceps training. To break things up, we will do a 10 minute abdominal section. These muscles are essential to core strength.

    Experience modifications and cues for rows, pullover, planks, crun...

  • Video 455 | Isometric Hand and Fingers Boost (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, or suffering from common syndromes like carpal tunnel or trigger finger, this 30-minute therapeutic sequence will help. The exercises demonstrated in this video are designed to strengthen the muscles that flex, extend, abduct, and adduct the individual fingers of the ...

  • Video 057 | Hand or Wrist Solutions with Lauren Eirk

    This is a vintage video that was done at the beginning of the 2020 pandemic when we were filming on YouTube. It is still full of valuable information. There are a lot of Yoga poses that load the wrist and hand, causing discomfort for many people. Learn basic wrist and hand anatomy, reasons why...

  • Video 338 | FIS Elbow and Wrist (30 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    This resistance training workout is comprised of a variety of isolated exercise for muscles that flex and extend the elbow, or biceps and triceps, and muscles that move the wrist. See how wrist position affects muscular participation at the shoulder and elbow. These exercises will not only tone...

  • Video 334 | Isometric Boost: Elbow Muscles (15 Minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    If you need a quick boost, this 15-minute bodyweight workout will help strengthen muscles that flex and extend the elbow. These include the biceps and triceps muscles. A Yoga block and small ball will be used to create these isometric positions. There are seated and supine positions done in th...

  • Video 228 | FIS Arms (45 Minute Workout) with Lauren EIrk

    This FIS Muscle Focus workout targets the arms. The FIS Method is based on sound exercise mechanics that is kinder to your joints while giving you great results! This strength training routine targets the muscles that flex and extend the elbow joints, the biceps and triceps. The routine begins...

  • Video 144 | Biceps, Back and Ball (30 Minute Workout) with Lauren Eirk

    This routine will help you strenthen back, biceps, and abdominal muscles. Back muscles are highly complex, making up the posterior aspect of your core. The Biceps muscles work to extend the elbow joints, assist in supination at the wrist, and help to flex the shoulder joints. They also aid with ...

  • Video 429 | Triple-Threat: Biceps-Triceps-Shoulders (30 Mins) with Lauren Eirk

    I call this a "Triple Threat" for the upper body because this workout is comprised of some of the best hypertrophy exercises for Biceps, Triceps, and shoulders. After a short mobility warm-up, we dive right into the upper body workout with dumbbells. Experience several combinations of each musc...

  • Video 389 | Arms Express (15 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    If you are pressed for time superset training will allow you to get more done a short period of time. This is because complementary muscle groups are worked back to back, reducing your rest between exercises.
    This Express strength training routine targets the muscles that flex and extend the el...

  • Video 400 | Bone Density Challenge Day Five (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Experience bone-loading resistance training exercises that are themed in abduction and adduction, training the muscles on this outside and inside of the hip and shoulder. Bone loss is common in these regions of the hip due to our sedentary lifestyle.

    We begin Day Five with several standing e...

  • Video 398 | Bone Density Challenge Day Three (30 minutes) with Lauren Eirk

    Experience a bone-loading resistance training exercises that are themed in shoulder, elbow, hip, and spinal flexion. We begin the workout with several isometric positions to activate our muscles and prepare the body. Next, enjoy several hip and spine core floorwork exercises to load the spine. ...